An OrBAC security policy editor


Two versions of MotOrBAC are available. The oldest version is written in Java and uses SWI prolog as an inference engine. It is no more developped since 2005 but its source code is entirely open. The second version is actively developped and is written in pure Java. This version is partially open source, more precisely the MotOrBAC source code is open but the OrBAC API it uses is closed source. The two versions of the MotOrBAC project are available on the sourceforge project website.


the user documentation for the two versions are available on the sourceforge project website.

Source code

the complete source code of the first version is available on the sourceforge project website. The source code of the second version can be downloaded on the same website, but it does not contain the OrBAC API source code. You will find instructions on how to install and run the tools in the archives available for download.

The two versions of the tool require the java runtime environment. The First version also requires the SWI prolog.

Last updated June 8th 2017